we walked the pest side of the river. on the way home, the day's last light and remants of moisture from a late shower cause light to glow. below are some attempts to capture this moment. i think i found some success. walking though this city at this time, with this light, and moisture made me feel human again.

at this square a hungarian church group sang gospel. the flowers are beautiful, the music enthusiastic, but not exactly good. well, and really.. to those who say there's no such thing as mediocre music, it's either really good, or terrible, i guess this music fell on the terrible side.. with all respect to their energy and effort.

the rain pauses and we begin our way home. light and moisture enhance green

a sunset rainbow

more trees. i love walks and parks

an outhouse with copper roof!

Bill and Lydia

a pretty building

the pedestrian shopping street.

this is the moment where we discovered how the buildings are built with brick, as opposed to stone, and covered with plaster.

even the manhole covers are beautiful

the newly renovated market hall.

the danube and bridge

our ship to left.. city of buda in the hintergrund (background)