letzter blick des sommers
and i'm in portland again. this blog goes on hiatus.. but first a few scenes from the last days in germany.
Und jetzt bin ich wieder in Portland, und dieses Blog macht eine kurze Pause... aber zuerst ein paar Fotos von meine letzten Tagen in deutschland.
what does one do with a defunct gasometer? create a phenomenal venue for art installations. light and heaven experienced here.
the lake that stood behind my residence in duisberg. here in the industrial ruhrgebiet is the most divine swimming place i encountered in germany.
Taunus. a region north of frankfurt. a small town as seen from a bauernhoff.
what does one do with a defunct gasometer? create a phenomenal venue for art installations. light and heaven experienced here.
the lake that stood behind my residence in duisberg. here in the industrial ruhrgebiet is the most divine swimming place i encountered in germany.
Taunus. a region north of frankfurt. a small town as seen from a bauernhoff.
hiking in taunus.
as i learned german wandern translates "to hike." however in oxford english the verb translates "to walk." which is perhaps more appropriate for the stroll through this nevertheless memorable wheatfield.
mit viele Gedanken an die die vor uns gekommen sind. with many thoughts of those who walked before us.
ich als Fotografin des Moments
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