landschaft park (industriekultur)
i now live in duisberg, an industrial city south of muenster, north of cologne. of this city one told me, he preferred this city to the others, it's a worker's city, everything is equaller.

duisberg and the cities that surround it are cities of the steel industry. a few mills operate to this day, but 1985 saw the end of many of the industrial parks. They were abandoned. and nature began to creep in. a cooperative effort turned the abandoned mills into monuments, in duisberg stands the landschaftspark. this is a view from the top of the high oven, where heat and gas caused a chemical reaction that turns the raw ore into steel.

from the top of this oven gives a stunning view of the duisberg landscape and an operating mill across the way

from here comes the river of hot steel from the high oven. this oven worked 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

the landschaft park now hosts sport. scuba diving in the gasometer, rock climbing in the ore bunker, and a bicycle route from mill to mill.

extreme perspektiv

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