returned to bavaria to visit my grandfather.

evidence of our ausgewandert family posted on the door of the basement cellar.

my mother's favorite blick of her home town.

woman's lib

birds of paradise at the flower stand

my grandfather chooses a boquet for gertrude

the field behind my grandfather's apartment complex. i've walked this path since i was five years old, and have touched this path in every phase of my life.

behind the bauernhoff

the bauernhof and my grandfather's apartment complex to the left. here you can watch your christmas goose enjoy its free-range life before its end comes at the holiday season.

the forest behind my grandfather's compex.

i whispered to my grandfather after the cave tour, i'm gonna walk around a bit, there's a tree i want to sketch. my grandfather came with and here we are.

here's the tree. beautiful, but a bit sick. the lumps are evidence of fighting off a disease.

in this case, i found beauty in the krankheit. sketching with my grandfather by my side is a moment that stays

my grandfather pointed this tree out as one of his favorites. he likes how it lays on its side, and in the evening light, it was truly stunning.

looking from the forrest to the small park behind the apartment complex. green, by the way, has returned to germany. it has rained every day for the past three weeks, and the plants thrive.

grilling (barbecuing) is forbidden outside of the marked grill spot.

teenagers grilling. the designated grill spot is located to the left outside of this foto.

dog zone.

this meadow is meant for food production (meaning livestock eats the grass) don't let your dog's poo contaminate it!

this is the first time in countless visit that i've seen the park that stands over the parking garage.


bohemouth guards the farbe park that stands behind the eibacherhoff where i sleep.

farbe park

farbe park

he's not black, but his glare is straight from Bulgakov's cat in master and margarita

driving north. watching them watch me, watched by you.