Tuesday, July 18, 2006


between kiel and hamburg i visited fern on the island of sylt. 'classy' say the people when i tell them where i'm going. fern has known me since before i knew me, she and my mother go way back. this is the first time her and i really had a chance to catch up, making for a marvelous weekend.

naturally, i begin with the cute animals. the time of year made for foals throughout the field. süß!!

horse's are simply marvelous, and baby horses precious!

notice cute sheep in the foreground and cute tourists traveling by ship from sweden in the background.

kissing sheep! CUTE!!

i am in love with this style of fence. it is made from willow, which is cut in february and emerged in water so that it stays alive. in the spring it is weaved like a basket.

stunning, no?

houses are built in germany a little different than in america. the process requires a crane.

house in process

i find these wildflowers stunning

the dunes on sylt are covered with grass.. reminding me of how the bermuda grass is threatening the sand dunes on the oregon coast!!

dunes that remain uncovered are called wandering dunes, as they move a bit each year... hopefully away from the coast line as the island is always growing smaller.

we're at the northern point of the island.

this photo is for bill.

the northern tip was remniscant of pikes place in seattle, or perhaps the fisherman's warf in san fransisco.. here we ate shark kebobs. 'the people come to sylt and want to eat fish' fern tells me, 'they believe it comes directly from the water to their plate' naturally, this is perception over truth, the fish we purchased fresh from the market that day came from alaska.

another side of the island reveals a nature park. the sign asks visitors to leave the wildlife in peace.

wild flowers in foreground, hay in middle ground, and a wind field in the back ground

field and dunes

the wind farm pictured in the background is in norway

your dog will turn wild as well, if you let him run free.

the cliff. stunning.

landscape between kiel and sylt


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon, love the pics from Sylt. A couple of comments, the grass on the dunes in Sylt is very desireable, becaus it helps to keep the island from shrinking.
The windmills you see in the back ground of the one picture are in Denmark, not in Norway

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Jazz...
Just started checking the site. I like seeing pictures of you and your family. See you soon, sugar.


4:25 AM  

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