we spent saturday morning in erlangen. this is where my mom lived while she interned with siemens at the age of 16. erlangen is home to medical universities and siemens, and the residents are associated with either one or the other, or perhaps both. we walked through the schloss park, a peaceful place for citizens to rest, and also an exhibition spot for local sculptors.

this screen is made from dried oranges. this photo is for wendy.

the schloss park leads to a botanical garden, complete with tropenhaus. doris is especially fond of the dry warm climates and plants they support. agave seen above


a hollow ball

what do you think this is about? doris asks me. art, i reply. we laugh

fountain and sculpture in schloss park

visiting the now deserted location of bergkirchweih, an annual local fest in erlangen. sculpture garden, we encountered this artist's work in the mountains as well.
Just magnificent......
This tour has touched me, inspired
me and gave me a love I never knew
was there.
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